2D open-world RPG game To Pixelia, is finally in Beta testing
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2D open-world RPG game To Pixelia, is finally in Beta testing

Screenshot of Pixel open-world RPG To Pixelia, in action
To Pixelia Beta in Action

This upcoming 2D open world sims style game plays exactly how I dreamt Habbo Hotel or The Sims would play when I was growing up. It has charming graphics, a city with open doors everywhere you click, and opportunities that allow your character to become whoever you want them to be.

Thankfully now that 'To Pixelia' has entered Beta mode, I'm able to dive into this fantasy land and just a few hours into game play it's pleasing my inner child and my outer adult. 

Leaving it's Alpha phase behind with Winter, To Pixelia is preparing for Spring with it's Beta phase. And hundreds of new Kickstarter backers are pleased to finally be diving into this immersive pixel world.

To Pixelia aims to be a life-sim RPG in a diverse city environment. You start your adventure by moving to a place called 'Pixelia' where you start your life from scratch. You can get a job or steal for your money, make friends or enemies, rent an apartment or sleep on a bench. And you aren't just doing these things for the sake of watching your pixel character make some funny movements, your character has wants, needs and stats bars - just like in The Sims - and you need to keep on top of them all. 

What's striking about stepping into this Beta version of the game is seeing truly how open-world this game feels, the opportunities to create different stories for your character are bountiful. 

This Beta test is allowing the hundreds of Kickstarter backers - that all seem to be very active in to To Pixelia Discord channel - a chance to feedback on the game to contribute to making it even better, supporting the big ambitions of the developers.

Looking forward, the developers have a commitment to enriching customisation options further, including the introduction of gender-neutral choices for your character. There will also be new hairstyles, masks, new outfits and new pets for your To Pixelia character to run with. 

Additionally, the developing team are in the process of unlocking out all features that are currently locked in the game, such as the chance to take part in: Bands, Political Parties, Boxing, and Basketball competitions, this will ensure a more inclusive and accessible experience for all players.

When fully released, this game won't just take the pixel-art game world by storm but also, it will prove the power of independent gaming to create something truly unique. No doubt nostalgic lovers of The Sims 1 and Habbo Hotel will be in awe when they discover all about To Pixelia.

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