Pixel Dreams Can Come True: RPG Dreamed Away Beats Kickstarter Goal
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Pixel Dreams Can Come True: RPG Dreamed Away Beats Kickstarter Goal

Updated: Feb 28

The charming pixel art RPG, Dreamed Away, has soared past its Kickstarter funding goal, proving once again that the love for pixelated adventures is alive and kicking! This heartwarming tale of a boy searching for his lost sister in a surreal world struck a chord with backers, raising over 100% of its target in just a few weeks.

Dreamed Away whisks you away to 1990s Brittany, France, where young Théo finds himself trapped in a mysterious dreamscape. With his sister Louise missing and reality distorted, Théo must navigate haunted catacombs, face enigmatic phantoms, and unravel the secrets of his twisted world.

The campaign's success speaks volumes about the enduring appeal of pixel art games. Dreamed Away's blend of exploration, action, and emotional storytelling resonated with backers, showcasing the genre's ability to deliver unique and captivating experiences.

But Dreamed Away isn't just a pixelated throwback; it's a testament to the passion and talent of independent developers. The game's creator, Nicolas Petton, poured his heart and soul into crafting this dreamlike world, and the response from the community has been overwhelmingly positive.

This Kickstarter victory marks a significant milestone for Dreamed Away, but the journey is far from over. The development team will now focus on polishing the game and delivering the incredible experience backers deserve.

So, if you're a fan of pixel art adventures or simply enjoy heartwarming stories, keep an eye on Dreamed Away. This fully-funded project is set to become a reality, reminding us all that pixelated dreams can truly come true!

At the time of publishing, Dreamed Away has 48 hours left on Kickstarter. Click here to back the game, get exclusive rewards and be the first one to play the game.

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